AGTEAM seed cleaners Australia Logo -01

Seed Cleaning & Grain Cleaning Equipment
Designed To Improve Your Seed Quality.


A business dedicated to improving efficiencies in agriculture.
From sowing through to harvest Agteam is keen to explore ways of making your operation more efficient through sharing innovations & new technology.

Seed Cleaners Australia

Seed Cleaners Australia are importers & manufacturers of various styles of grain cleaners. Grain cleaning has so many benefits, many obvious benefits, many hidden benefits.
Harvest time can throw up some difficult conditions that effect the quality of the grain.
Impurities from trash to weed seeds affect the quality of the grain that’s harvested.
Grain buyers will dock/deduct for impurities, some gain becomes almost worthless.
Farmers wanting to retain & sow next year their own grain for seed face similar problems.

Air Separation:

The simplest & most efficient method of cleaning grain is by air separation. This quickly despatches dust, husk & unviable grain.
Separation is by weight so in some cases where two grains are similar in aerodynamics they won’t separate easily. In this case I recommend a screen which should remove the smaller grain. The screen action is much more efficient after an initial air separation. Less blockages & quicker grading is possible if air separation occurs first.


Screen sizes are critical in this process. Grain sizes vary from season to season. I have screen type machines aimed at Vetch removal in production.


Removing vetch can be a challenge, its aerodynamic characteristic is similar to other grains. Vetch removal is a priority at the moment.

ISM Grain Cleaners:

Manufactured in Ukraine close to the Russian border in Kharkiv the ISM Air Separation grain cleaners are sold world-wide. Seed Cleaners Australia are importers & distributors of the ISM product. Much cooperation with the ISM factory has upgraded the product to better suit the
Australian market.

New Projects:

A number of initiatives are in the pipeline.

Call Agteam Today 0407 556 344

ISM Fractionating Aspirator

The ISM Fractionating Aspirator efficiently cleans and removes dockage from all types of grain.

Flaman is the Canadian importer of ISM grain cleaners.
Mitch Flaman gives a comprehensive description of the 50CSC model.
Agteam are the Australian distributors,

For more information Contact AGTEAM here.

Bring your seed cleaning up a level

The Grain Cleaning and Seed Cleaning Game Changer.

  • Less Dockage.
  • More Weight at the Silo.
  • Less Weed Seed.
  • Less Impurities.
  • Sow Bigger Seed.
  • Stronger Crops.

Agteam air separation machine grain cleaning and sorting machines are simple, reliable, durable and economical. These machines have been successfully used all over Australia and can be adjusted to your needs depending on specific grain, seeds and technical requirements.

Seed cleaners for sale.