50T trailer for farm use with factory supports, rigid axle, large diameter tyres.Price: Std $3,000+gst
Optional: Special suspended axle with brakes, mudguards & lights. Special $4,000+gst
Special support trailer for 10T. Built in supports to make road transport safe. Price: $2,800+gst
All steel construction bolts to new Trash Hood it directs trash to a central point where it can be augered away. Fits to earlier model 50T also. Price: $5,000+gst
Australian-made soft canvas cover to suit 50T with “Trash Hood” or “Trash Collector” Price: $600+gst
50T Optional Bin Extension with 8 cub metre capacity. Fits early & late models
“Trash Collector Hood” retro fit to 50T complete with new heavy duty trash bags.
50T hood & sock $1350+gst
Also available in 15/30T hood & sock $1200+gst
TCH 15/30T“Trash Collector Hood” retro fit to 15/30T & 50T complete with new heavy duty trash bags.
15/30T hood & sock $1200+gst 50T hood & sock $1350+gst
The AUGERMATE jockey wheel is a simple and affordable device for taking the strain out of manoeuvring augers into position around the farm.
Bosmac manufactures the AUGERMATE to complement its range of high quality reliable Australian made augers.
Connects to Agteam grain cleaners with extra VFD & auxiliary outlet.
Electric Speed Controlled Grain Auger